US CMA Syllabus 2023 Part 1 & 2 - Subject-wise Syllabus, Exam Patter

US CMA Syllabus 2023 Part 1 & 2 - Subject-wise Syllabus, Exam Patter

Edited By Sansar Singh Chhikara | Updated on Mar 21, 2025 03:47 PM IST

US CMA Syllabus 2025: ICMA has released the US CMA 2025 syllabus through its official website. Candidates taking US CMA 2025 are advised to go through the US CMA course syllabus to plan their preparations. The US CMA syllabus 2025 has been released for both Part 1 and Part 2. The syllabus of US CMA comprises important topics and areas that will be covered in the exam. It will also give candidates an idea about which topics to focus on the most. Along with the US CMA syllabus 2025, candidates are also advised to go through the exam pattern specified by authorities. Read on to find detailed information on CMA US syllabus for Part 1 and 2, exam pattern and other related topics.

This Story also Contains
  1. US CMA Subjects
  2. US CMA Syllabus 2025
  3. US CMA Exam Pattern 2025

US CMA Subjects

Given below is the list of CMA US subjects contained in the syllabus.

CMA USA Part 1 Syllabus: Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics SyllabusExternal Financial Reporting Decisions15%
Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting20%
Performance Management20%
Cost Management15%
Internal Controls15%
Technology and Analytics15%

CMA USA Part 2 Syllabus: Strategic Financial ManagementFinancial Statement Analysis20%
Corporate Finance20%
Business Decision Analysis25%
Enterprise Risk Management10%
Capital Investment Decisions10%
Professional Ethics15%

US CMA Syllabus 2025

The syllabus of US CMA 2025 has been given below in table format. The left column comprises the main topics or subject and the right column contains the sub topics. The detailed CMA USA Syllabus for both Part 1 and Part 2 has been given below:

US CMA Part 1 Syllabus- Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics

A. External Financial Reporting Decisions (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Financial statements

a. Balance sheet

b. Income statement

c. Statement of changes in equity

d. Statement of cash flows

e. Integrated reporting

2. Recognition, measurement, valuation, and disclosure

a. Asset valuation

b. Valuation of liabilities

c. Equity transactions

d. Revenue recognition

e. Income measurement

f. Major differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS

B. Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Strategic planning

a. Analysis of external and internal factors affecting strategy

b. Long-term mission and goals

c. Alignment of tactics with long-term strategic goals

d. Strategic planning models and analytical techniques

e. Characteristics of a successful strategic planning process

2. Budgeting concepts

a. Operations and performance goals

b. Characteristics of a successful budget process

c. Resource allocation

d. Other budgeting concepts

3. Forecasting techniques

a. Regression analysis

b. Learning curve analysis

c. Expected value

4. Budgeting methodologies

a. Annual business plans (master budgets)

b. Project budgeting

c. Activity-based budgeting

d. Zero-based budgeting

e. Continuous (rolling) budgets

f. Flexible budgeting

5. Annual profit plan and supporting schedules

a. Operational budgets

b. Financial budgets

c. Capital budgets

6. Top-level planning and analysis

a. Pro forma income

b. Financial statement projections

c. Cash flow projections

C. Performance Management (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Cost and variance measures

a. Comparison of actual to planned results

b. Use of flexible budgets to analyse performance

c. Management by exception

d. Use of standard cost systems

e. Analysis of variation from standard cost expectations

2. Responsibility centers and reporting segments

a. Types of responsibility centers

b. Transfer pricing

c. Reporting of organizational segments

3. Performance measures

a. Product profitability analysis

b. Business unit profitability analysis

c. Customer profitability analysis

d. Return on investment

e. Residual income

f. Investment base issues

g. Key performance indicators (KPIs)

h. Balanced scorecard

D. Cost Management (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Measurement concepts

a. Cost behavior and cost objects

b. Actual and normal costs

c. Standard costs

d. Absorption (full) costing

e. Variable (direct) costing

f. Joint and by-product costing

2. Costing systems

a. Job order costing

b. Process costing

c. Activity-based costing

d. Life-cycle costing

3. Overhead costs

a. Fixed and variable overhead expenses

b. Plant-wide vs. departmental overhead

c. Determination of allocation base

d. Allocation of service department costs

4. Supply chain management

a. Lean resource management techniques

b. Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

c. Theory of Constraints

d. Capacity management and analysis

5. Business process improvement

a. Value chain analysis

b. Value-added concepts

c. Process analysis, redesign, and standardization

d. Activity-based management

e. Continuous improvement concepts

f. Best practice analysis

g. Cost of quality analysis

h. Efficient accounting processes

E. Internal Controls (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Governance, risk, and compliance

a. Internal control structure and management philosophy

b. Internal control policies for safeguarding and assurance

c. Internal control risk

d. Corporate governance

e. External audit requirements

2. System controls and security measures

a. General accounting system controls

b. Application and transaction controls

c. Network controls

d. Backup controls

e. Business continuity planning

F. Technology and Analytics (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Information systems

a. Accounting information systems

b. Enterprise resource planning systems

c. Enterprise performance management systems

2. Data governance

a. Data policies and procedures

b. Life cycle of data

c. Controls against security breaches

3. Technology-enabled finance transformation

a. System development life cycle

b. Process automation

c. Innovative applications

4. Data analytics

a. Business intelligence

b. Data mining

c. Analytic tools

d. Data visualization

US CMA Part 2 Strategic Financial Management

A. Financial Statement Analysis (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Basic financial statement analysis

a. Common size financial statements

b. Common base year financial statements

2. Financial ratios

a. Liquidity

b. Leverage

c. Activity

d. Profitability

e. Market

3. Profitability analysis

a. Income measurement analysis

b. Revenue analysis

c. Cost of sales analysis

d. Expense analysis

e. Variation analysis

4. Special issues

a. Impact of foreign operations

b. Effects of changing prices and inflation

c. Impact of changes in accounting treatment

d. Accounting and economic concepts of value and income

e. Earnings quality

B. Corporate Finance (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Risk and return

a. Calculating return

b. Types of risk

c. Relationship between risk and return

2. Long-term financial management

a. Term structure of interest rates

b. Types of financial instruments

c. Cost of capital

d. Valuation of financial instruments

3. Raising capital

a. Financial markets and regulation

b. Market efficiency

c. Financial institutions

d. Initial and secondary public offerings

e. Dividend policy and share repurchases

f. Lease financing

4. Working capital management

a. Working capital terminology

b. Cash management

c. Marketable securities management

d. Accounts receivable management

e. Inventory management

f. Types of short-term credit

g. Short-term credit management

5. Corporate restructuring

a. Mergers and acquisitions

b. Other forms of restructuring

6. International finance

a. Fixed, flexible, and floating exchange rates

b. Managing transaction exposure

c. Financing international trade

C. Decision Analysis (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Cost/volume/profit analysis

a. Breakeven analysis

b. Profit performance and alternative operating levels

c. Analysis of multiple products

2. Marginal analysis

a. Sunk costs, opportunity costs, and other related concepts

b. Marginal costs and marginal revenue

c. Special orders and pricing

d. Make vs. buy

e. Sell or process further

f. Add or drop a segment

g. Capacity considerations

3. Pricing

a. Pricing methodologies

b. Target costing

c. Elasticity of demand

d. Product life-cycle considerations

e. Market structure considerations

D. Risk Management (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Enterprise risk

a. Types of risk

b. Risk identification and assessment

c. Risk mitigation strategies

d. Managing risk

E. Investment Decisions (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Capital budgeting process

a. Stages of capital budgeting

b. Incremental cash flows

c. Income tax considerations

d. Evaluating uncertainty

2. Capital investment analysis methods

a. Net present value

b. Internal rate of return

c. Payback

d. Comparison of investment analysis methods

F. Professional Ethics (Levels A, B, and C)

1. Business ethics

a. Moral philosophies and values

b. Ethical decision making

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US CMA Exam Pattern 2025

Apart from the syllabus, candidates must check the exam pattern of US CMA 2025. Getting an idea about how the exam will be conducted is a good way to start your preparation. The CMA exam will be held in virtual mode at global test centres of ICMA. Detailed information on US CMA exam pattern 2025 has been given below:

US CMA 2025 Exam Pattern

Name of Subjects

Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics

Part 2: Strategic Financial Management

Duration of the exam

(4 Hours) Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics

(4 Hours) Strategic Financial Management

Number of Questions

102: Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics

102: Strategic Financial Management

Type of Questions

100 MCQs


2 (30 minute) essays

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How many papers are there in US CMA 2023?

There are two papers in US CMA - Part 1 and Part 2

2. How many questions are asked in the US CMA exam?

A total of 102 questions are asked in the US CMA exam.

3. What type of questions are asked in the US CMA 2023 exam?

There are 100 multiple choice questions and two 30 minute essays in US CMA 2025.

4. What is the duration of the US CMA 2023 exam?

The duration of the US CMA exam is four hours.


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Underwriters have strong analytical skills and they understand the insurance principle to evaluate the health of potential clients. They collaborate with agents, brokers, and to their clients to collect information and explain the insurance product details. They work on all kinds of insurance like mortgage, health insurance, life insurance, automobile, and several other kinds of insurance.

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Finance Executives establish strategic financial goals, objectives, and performance criteria. Strong accounting and analytical skills are fundamental to this role. While often working fixed hours, they may extend their work hours to meet deadlines. This career is well-suited for individuals with a keen understanding of finance, attention to detail, and the ability to navigate complex financial landscapes.

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A product manager is a professional who determines what a product should do and how it should look like. A product manager analyses customer needs and combines them with company goals to develop a product that satisfies everyone. He or she works in coordination with different departments like engineers, salespersons, and product designers to ensure everyone works towards achieving the company's goals.

A product manager develops strategies and plans to help the employees work towards a common goal that is to develop a product that the customers demand. He or she plays the role of the first point of contact in the organisation for anyone who needs to know about the product. Concerning larger programmes, they work with Technical Program Managers to deliver results.

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Operations Manager

Operations manager is tasked with supervising the financial and business experts involved in the production of goods and services. A career as operations manager needs to supervise many divisions and coordinate daily activities. The role of operations manager is to oversee and manage diverse activities which is part of a profession as an operations manager.

All levels of an organisation's operational activities are overseen by an operations manager. He or she is in charge of selecting candidates, imparting instruction, and managing quality control programmes. Operations managers also develop plans for process improvements to ensure that everyone finishes their work on schedule. He or she must regularly evaluate budgets, manage costs, and analyse data and statistics.

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A stock analyst is an individual who analyses and evaluates various stocks and securities in the financial market. He or she in the stock analyst career forecasts stock market results, normally with an emphasis on the securities that a company or firm invests in. He or she also prepares scientific reports on financial forecasts, predictions, and recommendations based on a stock's expected profit. 

Individuals who enjoy learning and data processing, are good problem solvers, and have a strong work ethic will excel in the stock market analyst sector. Students can pursue a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), MBA (Master of Business Administration), M.Stat (Master of Statistics) to opt for a career in stock market analysis

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QA Manager

A Quality Assurance (QA) Manager, synonymous with a Quality Assurance Manager, holds a pivotal role in ensuring products meet predefined standards. Responsible for planning, directing, and formulating control policies, the QA Manager safeguards company efficiency and profitability. By scrutinizing products for flaws and ensuring compliance with internal and external requirements, they uphold quality, validating the effectiveness of quality assurance teams in maintaining high standards before product release.

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A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

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Product Manager

A product manager is a professional who determines what a product should do and how it should look like. A product manager analyses customer needs and combines them with company goals to develop a product that satisfies everyone. He or she works in coordination with different departments like engineers, salespersons, and product designers to ensure everyone works towards achieving the company's goals.

A product manager develops strategies and plans to help the employees work towards a common goal that is to develop a product that the customers demand. He or she plays the role of the first point of contact in the organisation for anyone who needs to know about the product. Concerning larger programmes, they work with Technical Program Managers to deliver results.

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QA Lead

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

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Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

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Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

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